Saturday, May 3, 2008


Just check this face out! I photographed Catilyn (see the RedAce blog for more details on her) this morning and Jonas and Joel came along, I caught this of the two of them playing together afterwards, and I don't know what is going on with Jonas' face! He's continuing to grow, but still a little behind Caitlyn's only a few weeks older than he is, but he's so much smaller! And still hadn't tripled his birthweight at his 15  month check up, which he should have done by the time he was one. I promise I do not starve this child no matter what everyone else thinks. Good grief, any time we go anywhere and someone offers him a snack he inhales it like he hasn't eaten in days and I think between that and his size I'm sure wrong assumptions get made. I swear he eats more than I do! Anyways, I have a shoot next weekend with a girl from church who is pregnant with twins, so look for those to be coming to the RedAce blog. I'm actually quite excited to photograph an adult. I can't even remember the last time I did that! I spend all my time wrangling kids! 

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